Impulse Advanced Communications Maximizes BroadWorks Investment, Saves Hundreds of Hours With Odin

Published 28 Oct 2022

Impulse Advanced Communcations

Impulse Advanced Communications, a communications services provider that designs and implements voice and data networks, was using a product for provisioning that had reached end of life (EOL). Provisioning in Cisco BroadWorks on its own was inefficient, burdensome, and frustrating, so the company went in search of a better solution.

The Challenge

With their provisioning software reaching EOL, Impulse had no way to ensure their BroadWorks investment would continue to deliver value. Without another tool in the pipeline, Impulse risked:

  • Massive inefficiencies provisioning through BroadWorks alone
  • Increased risks of human error
  • Countless hours wasted as a result of manual provisioning

The company was familiar with the developers of Odin from years of attending the BroadSoft Connections conference, and the teams worked closely together to deploy Odin and streamline their provisioning process in BroadWorks.

The Action

In 2019, Impulse officially started using Odin and immediately benefited from responsive service:

  • A single point of contact meant the Impulse team had someone they could reach out to directly – who was always able to provide an answer
  • Questions and tickets were quickly addressed, making the onboarding experience positive and virtually seamless for the Impulse team

The contrast between Odin and Impulse’s previous solution was stark:

  • Odin isn’t a static solution; systematic updates and improvements mean Impulse can match the pace of change and scale as needed.
  • Impulse can stay ahead of competitors by offering customers the latest in telecom trends.
  • Bulk provisioning tools allow the Impulse team to eliminate time-consuming and error-prone manual work.

The Results

With Odin’s bulk provisioning tools, Impulse saves dozens of hours on every project. On one recently completed project, the company saved approximately 50 hours. Impulse can now delegate provisioning duties to more employees with less technical training as a result of Odin’s cloning capabilities and built-in queueing mechanism. The organization’s provisioning operations are more  efficient, productive, and profitable. With Odin, Impulse extended and maximized their substantial investment in BroadWorks.


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